A review by sophiecatherine
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros

adventurous medium-paced


This has been a ride filled with dragons and complex relationships. Let me break down my thoughts, encompassing both the highs and lows. 
I must admit, the positives are hard to ignore. The narrative keeps the excitement level high, and the ending leaves you hanging on the precipice, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the series. Despite the book's considerable length, the story maintains a constant flow, always pushing forward with a sense of momentum. The introduction of new characters injects a welcome freshness into the storyline, adding layers of intrigue.
However, the central relationship between the main characters continues to be a point of contention for me. The romantic aspect feels somewhat one-dimensional, revolving primarily around sexual attraction and selflessness. There's an undeniable desire for a deeper exploration of the characters' emotional connection. The book's length, stretching about 200 pages too long in my opinion, leads to certain sections feeling unnecessarily drawn out. While there's a reduction in explicit sex scenes, discreet handling of private moments would elevate the overall experience, at least for me.
Character dynamics brought about a mix of feelings. The struggle to remember names from the first part of the series suggests a need for more memorable character development. The introduction of new characters, although generally enjoyable, introduces unnecessary negativity and toxicity in the middle of the book. Thankfully, these issues find resolution toward the end, allowing the narrative to regain its positive momentum.
"Iron Flame" provides a rollercoaster journey through adventure and relationship complexities. While the storyline remains engaging, the book's length and the one-dimensional portrayal of relationships might leave some readers wanting more. The introduction of new characters is a breath of fresh air, albeit not without its challenges. Despite these aspects, the ending sets the stage for an exciting continuation, leaving me intrigued about the series' future direction.
This book is undoubtedly worth a read for fans of the series, appreciating the adventurous plot and willing to navigate through some relational intricacies that might fall short of complete satisfaction.