A review by marjeannguyen
Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka


TW: sexual assault, abandonment, physical abuse, murder

At first I thought this book was sick- a way to invoke empathy and sexualize a psychopath. By the end it felt more like a criticism of the attention serial killers receive from women. This is more about how women are affected and changed by mens’ actions.

There’s an ongoing conversation about what is good and evil throughout the book. How much good is enough for someone like Ansel Packer? The book doesn’t answer this for you but instead leaves you to decide.

I’m also left wondering what justice could feel like for victims of such awful crimes and does the death penalty come close? There is discussion about how it doesn’t feel right to the women impacted. They want punishment but the attention and “freedom” given by the execution doesn’t feel like justice. “The utter pointlessness”

I’m surprised by how much I liked this book after finishing. This is a thought provoking read that will stay with you.