A review by jkenna
Batman: Overdrive by Marcelo Di Chiara, Shea Fontana


Thank you to NetGalley for a free review copy of this.

This is a great introduction to the Batman lore if someone is unfamiliar with it. This would be a great jumping off point for kids to get started reading Batman if they've never read it before. I really liked the dynamic between Bruce, Selina, and Mateo. They all had something different to bring to the friendship and they meshed well with each other. I also enjoyed the storyline. It flowed nicely but not everything was wrapped up in a bow at the end of the story. I think that this book is a great start if you have a kid in your life that wants to get into comics but is daunted by everything that's out there. Highly recommend this for that reason alone, but it is also a great comic.