A review by mehsi
Send Them a Farewell Gift for the Lost Time by Cocomi


I received this manga from TokyoPop in exchange of an honest review.

I just LOVE cocomi’s works so I was excited when I found out this was by cocomi!

While the story at times was a bit confusing, we go back and forth in time. We start at the break up and see what caused that bit by bit as the story moves on, but we also are in the now where these two guys are still figuring out if they want to give it another shot (or if it is just fuckbuddy time). At times I thought we were in x time but we were in y time. Eventually it worked better for me, but yeah, in the beginning especially it was just a bit too confusing and I had to push myself to keep reading.

I did like the idea of starting at the break-up and going from there. I could definitely understand Naruse and why he was done with it all. He loves Toui, but Toui just seems to forget Naruse is around when a novel needs to be written. He skips meals. Disappears for weeks. Doesn’t say love yous and all that. I would have also just chosen for myself at a point. OK, it took 4 years, and as we can see they just cannot leave each other, which made me both sad (because do you want to go back into this relationship) and happy (maybe there are ways to save this). I liked that we got to see things from both angles. Not just Naruse and why he stopped, but also why he keeps coming back. But also Toui. That guy really has no clue, which both made me shake my head and laugh. Oh man. You really need to open your eyes.

There are some sex scenes in the book and I wasn’t always a fan of them. I mean, it was mostly just make-up sex and at times it felt a bit forced. Like Naruse was not there for THAT and Toui just did things to him.

I am happy with the ending though and it is one I can stand behind. Though I do hope that Toui really has learned and will keep up with things. Naruse deserves a happy relationship.

The art was, as expected because cocomi, pretty and I love the style! Just look at that cover, isn’t that perfect?

All in all, despite some issues, I am happy with this manga and I had fun reading it.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/