A review by tobyyy
The Face of Deception by Iris Johansen


I can't remember if I've read other books by Iris Johansen (I think I have at some point? but my memory is so bad!!), but starting off at the beginning of the Eve Duncan series was a good call. I have a history of starting thriller series in the middle, so it was a nice change to actually start at the beginning of the Eve Duncan series. I really "got a feel" for Eve and her history, and I am quite interested to see how this is going to play out in other books in the series.

The plot of this book was ridiculously thick and intertwined, yet it still made sense and was very exciting. And the ending!! - wow. It was explosive, and I loved it!! Eve is so real, and so is Joe - although I thought her relationship with him was a little... I don't know. Maybe not as realistic as it could've been... but still realistic enough to not bother the reader terribly much.

Thankfully Johansen doesn't write graphic stuff, or else I've just gotten more used to graphic descriptions of death so it doesn't bother me anymore, at least as much as it used to.

On to book 2!!