A review by redhairedashreads
Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews


Series: The Edge #2
Rating: 5 stars - I loved it!

William has been living in the Edge for the past two years but politics from the Weird has forced him back into service. He heads to the Mire, the Edge’s swamplands, to track down an old enemy and finds himself helping Cerise Mar and her family.

Well I absolutely loved this one! William has had a very rough life because he is a changeling, which are shunned and feared in the Weird. He wants a family but doesn’t think he deserves one because he views himself as a monster. I have loved William since he was introduced and love that he finally found himself a family. I always love when the monster can find love.

Cerise was a wonderful and dangerous heroine. I loved her ability with a sword and how she never hesitated to kill if she had too. I loved her dedication to her family and how she wasn’t afraid of William after she learned what he was. Cerise and William had a wonderful forced proximity relationship that was filled with a lot of intense steamy looks and a lot of danger.

Overall, this was another amazing book for this series. I really loved William and Cerise and hope we see more of them in the future. Also, I love that we see some resolution with the tension in William and Declan’s friendship at the end of this book.

You can also find my reviews at Red-Haired Ash Reads.