A review by rachellarson2019
Fascism: A Warning by Madeleine K. Albright


I really liked this audiobook and would like to read the book itself as there were many times I got distracted and missed certain parts that I would like to re-visit.

The book is less a primer on avoiding facism, although that is addressed at points throughout the book, and more a history lesson about facism. Madeline Albright recorded the audiobook herself and I really enjoyed the bits of her personal life she sprinkled throughout. It actually made me want to read more about her life, it sounded so fascinating.

The book was written after Trumps election and before January 6th, so it was especially interesting how she points out that denying election results is a textbook facist move. One thing that really stuck with me is that people who believe that elections “don’t work” or “are always corrupt” are really saying “democracy doesn’t work” and therefore are offering up solutions that are not democratic solutions. Food for thought!