A review by dreamofbookspines
Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic by Phyllis Curott


Phyllis Curott is utterly sensible in her writing style, and I appreciate that, especially since a great deal of pagan books are way less down-to-earth. This is a great practical handbook for both beginners and oldbies like me (I've been pagan for almost 14 years now), giving explanations of why we do what we do that are easy to understand and often not discussed. Some of us, particularly practitioners who have never been part of a coven, don't get these theological explanations of how and why spells work and what to do when they don't, in addition to historical contexts for our practice.

That said, it is a long read. There are lots of activities she encourages you to engage in, but even if you skip over some of them (which I don't recommend - I think all of them are really useful!), it will probably take you a long time. There's a lot to absorb, even though she phrases it simply. Really enjoyed this practical not-quite-how-to guide to paganism. It makes you think about the reasons for ritual, and helps organize your beliefs a bit better. Good thinking-through exercises and excellent suggestions in general. I'd recommend this for pretty much any pagan, n00b or old.