A review by michellefromsomewhere
The Host by Stephenie Meyer


 Honestly, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed reading The Host. I read this book for the first time in middle school, and reread it now as an adult. It's somewhere between three and four stars for me.

This book is probably more compelling and more unique than Twilight, but certainly lacks whatever "it" factor Twilight has to make it so popular. I am a Twilight fan, but like many fans, acknowledge the many issues with the content and writing. The Host, similarly, does have many of Stephenie Meyer's beliefs sprinkled in, but I am not so bothered by that as someone who can pick up on it and engage critically with it, just like with any author who does the same. It also is unmistakably Stephenie Meyer's writing style, and is similar to Twilight in that regard. I find her writing accessible and uncomplicated in a good way, and often delivers payoffs where she should, which, in my opinion, is part of the popularity of her works.

The plot itself is interesting. It's a spin on body snatchers, and features a dystopian setting. I wish we knew more about Melanie, as she is a little one-dimensional outside of her being a fighter and her resilience. Wanderer is a bit more developed, and as the story is primarily through her perspective, this did not hinder my enjoyment. My main critique is that the book felt a little longer than necessary. It didn't necessarily drag, but I do think the same points could have been delivered in fewer pages. Due to this, a lot of the details don't stand out and feel unmemorable. Beyond the basic plot, there was little I remembered from middle school and likely will feel the same in a few more years again.

Overall, it's an enjoyable, easy enough read that delivers exactly what it promises - entertainment value.