A review by ashatroyal
An Assassin's Death by Harper Wylde, A.K. Koonce


a horrible assassin

I like her power but she isn’t a bad a** at all. Overall this book isn’t very good. It’s flawed and doesn’t make sense.
How does the best assassin get bested? Like every time. She is literally average at best. Like she tried to be a double agent. Fail. Fight the 4 assassins. Fail. Not taking a drink from someone you don’t know. Fail.
The authors tried to justify no one knowing the ex assassins by stating they were erased from the system but wouldn’t people remember who they were? Like no one knew them except themselves when they had meetings and training?
Why would Armond send an assassin after Alexa the same night she didn’t complete her mission?
The guys are mid twenties at most? How long have they been out the game? If Armond is her father figure, why would she switch sides immediately? Like literally she switched teams on page 19 and she was honestly thinking about switching sides at page 5.
The guys have been using her but she’s been using them too? For what? She’s gotten nothing out of the situation. I also don’t understand why she’s trying so hard to be apart of the team when she’s the “asset”.
The attraction between her and the guys is there from the beginning. But we’re getting into things within 24 hours. She literally doesn’t have a single thought about the men without wandering into her attraction to them. The chemistry is there but the spice is not.

Some misspellings. Missed words. Misuse of words.