A review by imjustcupcake
VIP: Battle of the Bands by Jen Calonita, Kristen Gudsnuk


So, I have to admit, I kind of love this series. It is a bit of a guilty pleasure I guess as I am definitely not in the intended age range for it...but it takes me back. It makes me feel like I am a 12 year old girl again.

I should probably point out that I was never one to be totally obsessed with boy bands like our heroine Mackenzie, but if I had been I am sure I would have been a good bit like her.

So, what is Battle of the Bands all about you ask? Well, this time there is a competing boy band in the midst! And whats worse is that this other boy band has stolen a song from Perfect Storm! Oh but it doesn't end there. The song was written in Mac's journal which means some one snooped into her private thoughts without her knowing and took them! Talk about having your privacy invaded! So now they have to find out who is stealing things written in Mac's journal and how and keep the evil other boy band from ruining Perfect Storm!

Talk about a super fun ride!

Like I stated before and in my review for the first book in the series, Jen Calonita really captures the essence of a 12 year old fangirling over a boy band and trying to figure out life. It is kept light hearted and fun, but it is still relatable and relatively real (I say relatively because really how many of us in this world get to go on tour with our favorite band?).

In this story we get to see a lot get tested: friendships, a budding preteen romance, various other relationships.

But that isn't all we get to see. We get to see and take a look at bullying. We get to see what happens to those we bully and to those that do the bullying. It really is an important thing for preteens to take a look at and learn about. And this book does a nice job of it.

I cannot wait until another installment of this series comes out. It is just so much fun! Each adventure has been an absolute blast and I need more!

This review is based on an ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

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