A review by lattelibrarian
The View from Saturday by E.L. Konigsburg


E.L. Konigsburg is perhaps one of the most talented authors of my mother's generation.  It almost feels like we've forgotten about her, but I'm determined to not let that happen.  Told through the perspectives of the Academic Bowl team "The Souls" and Mrs. Olinski herself, we are privy to the lives of a paralyzed teacher, children with divorced parents and remarried grandparents, a Jewish child, and an Indian child.  They seem like an unlikely fit, but perhaps there are greater forces at work that have brought them together.  

This beautiful book begs the question of who is in control: the adult, or the children.  Mrs. Olinski believes that she has chosen The Souls to become a team for the Academic Bowl, but as they go farther and farther in the competition, she wonders if perhaps they chose her.  

This is also a book in which children are trusted, respected, allowed to be knowledgeable (more knowledgeable than adults, at times), and allowed to be creative.  Even now, I'm getting chills thinking about it.  If you're wanting to visit children's literature of an earlier time, definitely visit The View from Saturday.  There's no other book like it.

Review cross-listed here!