A review by caseroo7
Let Me Love You by Megan Smith


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Let Me Love You is the fourth book in Megan Smith's Love series. These books are about interconnected characters. I hadn't read any of the previous books before starting this story and it wasn't necessary to understand Jaylinn and Cooper's book but I do think that it would have been beneficial. I really enjoyed this one though, and I can't wait to go back and read the previous books as well as get the next story in this series.

Jaylinn is determined to move forward with her life after enduring a horrible incident. She has been leaning on her best friend and almost boyfriend to help her feel whole again. Jaylinn and Cooper do almost everything as a pair and are practically living together. Jaylinn is ready to move forward with their lives and finally become a real couple. She is ready to put the past behind her and see where things between her and Cooper could go by finally having sex. But Cooper is scared that when they finally make love that it will ruin things between them and damage Jaylinn more than she already is. Cooper does his best to keep Jaylinn at arms length, but it becomes more difficult for him as time goes on. When Jaylinn has finally reached her breaking point, Cooper must decide if he is willing to take the risk or if he will lose her forever.

I really liked Cooper, but I really did not understand him at times. I wanted to shake him and ask him what his problem was! I know that he was trying to be patient with Jaylinn and help her to get over the past. He didn't want to push her and do more damage, but seriously get a clue. He was so freaking blind when it came to what Jaylinn really needed. I loved that he was always there for her, and I loved that his feelings for her were strong and real. But I just wanted him to wake up faster! He was so sweet with her and took care of her in every way that she needed except one. Jaylinn was strong and determined, and I really liked how well she knew herself. She was such a survivor and knew that she was ready to move forward and that she wanted it to be with Cooper. I was really glad that she didn't let him continue to ignore things between them, and I thought it was great that she did what she had to do for herself. I thought that Jaylinn and Cooper had a lot of chemistry together, and you could feel their attraction. Their emotional connection was so strong though, and it was their history and feelings that made their relationship so special.

Overall, this story was really good. I liked Cooper and Jaylinn as well as the secondary characters. I can't wait to get more of all of these great characters, especially Cooper's friend Eli. I will warn you that this book does end in a good place, but there is a bit of a cliffhanger. Not enough to completely freak the reader out, but enough to make you want more and be left knowing that the story is far from over. I can't wait to read the previous books and see how Cooper and Jaylinn got to this point, and also get to know the rest of the characters better as well. But I am really looking forward to getting the next story in this series and seeing what happens after the ending of this book. I would definitely recommend this one and I think that a lot of readers will find these characters to be likable and easy to relate to.

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