A review by thequeerbookish
The Only Option by Megan Derr


I haven't read a story about necromancy before, so I was very interested and curious. Megan Derr doesn't disappoint with this. Rochus is a little bit creepy and his necromancy plays a big part in The only option. I still didn't really care much for him, neither did Tilo capture my interest. So their relationship was meh as well. I can't even call this novella a romance, because there was... well, like nothing romantic about it. You get lots of fighting instead - too much for such a short story, if you ask me, some sort of.

More world-building, more character development is needed. Hard to accomplish in a novella, so maybe this would have worked better as a novel?

Disclaimer: I was provided with a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.