A review by invisibleninjacat
My Summer of Love and Misfortune by Lindsay Wong

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
Being in Iris' head was The Worst. She's incredibly dense, and has no concept that she's not a genius. She continuously makes bad decisions with no understanding of consequences, and it's pretty clear her parents have given her neither boundaries nor consequences as she grew up. They're also uninvolved enough to fail to notice their daughter smoking pot, drinking, throwing wild parties in their house, skipping classes, never studying,  flunking literally half her classes, taking her SATs hungover, and getting into $6000 of credit card debt until she crashes their expensive car into their garage, while drunk, during a wild party, and then opens her college admissions letters in front of them to find she didn't get in anywhere. It would not be hard to spot these things. Iris has no conception of hiding them. When they find out, they send her to China. To her uncle she's only just been told exists, and whose name they fail to tell her. She ends up helplessly wandering the Beijing airport looking for anyone who looks like her dad, because she can barely even say her own name in Chinese. Her parents also don't tell her they love her before they ship her off (and she ASKS). The failure here certainly lies with the parents (they could have noticed and helped LONG before this), but being in Iris' head is just painful. Oof.