A review by bookph1le
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara


The timing is uncanny. I was almost finished with this book when I heard a suspect had been arrested in this case, so some of the end parts were out of date when I finished reading them this evening (4/25/18). However, the very last part, with McNamara's letter, sent chills down my spine.

My major quibble with this book is with the sequencing. I sometimes had trouble following what was happening and got the cases mixed up because the book hops around a lot.

However, McNamara's writing blew me away. This book caused me such a sense of creeping horror that I was almost afraid to be in the house alone, even though I'm nowhere near where the crimes occurred. I really admired how she avoided using gory details to titillate, instead relying on the strength of her writing voice and the story she was telling to draw the reader in. She was such a force. Her dying so young was a tragedy, and it was a true shame to lose such a talented voice in crime writing.