A review by thebookishdogmom
Home Is Where You Are by Melissa Grace


"To donuts and chance encounters."

I picked up this series because I received an ARC of the third book, so I wanted to read the first two before starting the ARC. What more can I say than this novel is just so SWEET and endearing. I loved it!

Liv is a recently divorced, 37 year old woman. She is lost and trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on. She owns a bakery, and has a found family in her best friend Ella and her daughter, Grace.

Jax is the lead singer to a band called Midnight in Dallas. He lived his life in foster care, bounced from home to home until he was old enough to be on his own. He wants nothing more than to start a family of his own and real place to call home.

On a whim, Liv goes to a Midnight in Dallas concert with Ella and Grace, and they just so happen to get backstage passes to meet the band. Liv and Jax have an instant connection, palpable to everyone in the room. Jax quickly pursues Liv; he falls first and he falls fast. They slowly build their relationship; starting things slow, as friends, but Liv opens up to him over time.

We come to find out that Liv used to be a singer/songwriter, but she fell out of that because of her now ex-husband, who felt the need to stifle her talent. When Jax learns about this, he and Liv bond even more over song writing, singing, and eventually performing together.

I enjoyed the natural progression of Jax and Liv's relationship. Yes he falls fast and hard for her, but he is incredibly respectful towards her hesitations and her feelings. She has been burned before, and he works to build her trust as their feelings grow.

I also love the found family aspect of this novel. It goes to show that your family doesn’t need to be biological; it can be whatever you want it to be. Jax has family in his bandmates and manager. Live has family in her best friend and daughter. They all come together and create a new family of them all. While things move quickly, it still feels very natural.

There is also some silly humor involved. There is an ongoing joke between Liv and Jax regarding donuts, and the constant use of "donut" in place of "don't" had me goofy smiling every time.

While this is a romance, there is a slow burn and then a low spice level. While I wanted more (as per usual), it was written in a way that fit into the story, and the lack of spice did not detract from their relationship or the storyline itself.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but I'm so glad I picked this up. An incredibly sweet love story, and I look forward to continuing with these characters for the rest of the series!

Tags: rockstar romance, age gap, found family, guy falls first