A review by sebswann
Who's Afraid of Gender? by Judith Butler

challenging informative slow-paced


"For in the end, defeating this phantasm is a matter of affirming how one loves, how one lives in one's body, the right to exist in the world without fear of violence or discrimination, to breathe, to move, to live. Why wouldn't we want all people to have those fundamental freedoms?"

"Informed public debate becomes impossible when some parties refuse to read the material under dispute. Reading is not just a pastime or a luxury, but a precondition of democratic life, one of those practices that keep debate and disagreement grounded, focused, and productive."

Read this if you like books on gender studies; this is a slow, dense, and academic read that breaks down current topics and arguments related to the gender / anti-gender debates happening across the world and their impact on society.

Also, a phantasm [ fan-taz-uhm ] is defined as an apparition or specter, or a creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy.