A review by confessions_of_a_bookaholic
Dark Light by Jodi Taylor


Betrayed by the man she thought her closest ally, Elizabeth Cage has fled her home and gone on the run. Arriving in the quaint village of Greystone she's glad to feel like she can rest. Unfortunately for Elizabeth the residents have other plans, intending for her to play a starring role in an ages old ceremony that will ultimately involve her death. Now more than ever before Cage needs help. 

I found this much easier to get into than the previous book in the series. I think that's in part because I already know the characters and have some background, but more so because the plot in this one was much less disjointed, and felt like it was actually heading somewhere. 

I felt like Elizabeth was starting to show her own character here instead of being the meek, lost woman she was in book 1, desperate for someone to guide her. It's great to see her start to take charge at times in this one. 

As with most Jodi Taylor books this is a bit weird, an the storyline is hard to follow if you're not paying attention. There's more than a little 'magic' thrown in, but very casually and in such a way that if you haven't read the first book you will have no idea what is going on. 

I thought this was a solid second installment. I'm still not entirely sure where the series is going in the long term, but sometimes it's nice to just go along for the ride.