A review by colossal
Bluest of Blue by Melissa Blue


A short entertaining romance between a genius astrophysicist with bipolar and his newly assigned publicist whose been badly burned by a previous relationship with a client.

This hits pretty much all the formula tropes that you'd expect. The two initially can't stand each other, but have an undeniable physical attraction that they can't help but act on and then have to deal with the fallout, some of which turns out to be a relationship. There's lots of geeky bits (the title is a Doctor Who reference), some reasonable stuff on the aftermath of the diagnosis of a serious mental illness and the sex scenes are quite hot as well.

However, the writing is often a bit clunky and the editing has some major failures on almost every level beyond spell check. That manifests in incorrect references in a few places, lots of missing words and a few cases where the sentences just didn't make sense and paragraph construction that caused me to have to go back and reread more than a few times to get the sense of what was happening.

This was formulaic and fun, and worth it for that, but a better editing process would have fixed a lot of what made this a three star read for me.