A review by minniequinnie
Alice: From Dream to Dream by Giulio Macaione


Alice has a magic ability to see into other people dreams. Sharing a room with her brother is a nightmare since she sees all of his nightmares. She recently moved to back to Ohio and the only good thing she has is her best friend Jamie. But when Jamie discovers a terrible secret he pulls away from Alice. One terribly night lands Jamie in a coma, Alice visits every day and realizes she might be able to use her power for good.

This was a sweet little graphic novel, with beautiful artwork. The only issue I had with this was there was bit of a rush on the plot. I know this was a middle grade story so I think that's why it had a lack of a build up and jumped right into the conflict. But I would have loved a little more about Alice's aunt, maybe something from Alice's mother about her about her life before she disappeared. Even more about Jamie and Alice's life before her move how they stayed connected. There were snippets here and there but it didn't flesh out the story enough.