A review by itsannabbyy
Strength by Carrie Butler


At first, I began read Strength and thought nothing but "Wow. Cliche much?" The beginning was full of Twilight-esque situations and a girl completely entranced by some hot, mysterious guy with a bed rep. The plot was full of coincidences and while the writing style was fine, the actual events... I disliked it and almost didn't want to continue.

HOWEVER, once the relationship between Rena and Wallace (the "hot, mysterious guy") began to develop, I could truly sense the chemistry between the two and kept reading. The storyline truly developed, and Rena became a sassy, independent, absolutely hilarious character. Carie Butler did a fantastic job of creating characters that are flawed and relatable, even if there is the common cliche of "Average Girl falls for Hot Guy who falls for her." The climax evolves naturally and makes sense. The supernatural elements of it are not overdone, and add a great new layer to an otherwise typical romance.

Strength is a great novel full of funny dialogue, a sassy heroine, an extremely hot male lead, great action, and a wonderful plot. The beginning starts of terrible cliche, but manages to pick up well. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good romance novel complete with action and some hilarious dialogue.

**I received this from a Goodreads First Reads Giveaway. This has not influenced my opinion regarding the novel in any way.