A review by finallyfinnian
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer


It's not often that I read a book and wish someone else was reading it at the same time as me so I can look at them and say, "Did you feel that?"

It took me 37 pages to realize I loved this book. Before that, I couldn't get into the prose, I found Oskar's POV too jarring, somewhat annoying. I dragged through the first 37 pages because someone I trust implored me to read this book. I'm glad I kept going because from that page on, the book is a masterpiece of life and all the odd, frenetic, messy, complicated people in it.

It's heart-achingly real and even the things that seem fantastical don't really seem unbelievable because the people in this world are so very very strange.

I love odd and compelling books. If you do, as well, you'll probably love this.