A review by kinzakhan
Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm by Robin DiAngelo


I recommend borrowing this book for free on the Libby app, including the audiobook which is available there, and the author narrates it herself which is great. I started this book when a friend recommended it, as we work in non-profit legal organizations and I see SO MUCH OF THIS BEHAVIOR by whites at my workplaces, including the white savior complex when helping or advocating for minorities. I recommend to my white friends who want to be 'woke' to read this. I also recommend for minorities to read this for multiple reasons - it's validating AF, but also to make sure we don't fall into the patterns that perpetuate or enable this behavior. Author also talks about de-centering whiteness and naming it, countering the socialization into her whiteness. This book was more relatable for minorities than her more famous book, White Fragility.