A review by mistressop
Cast in Deception by Michelle Sagara


This series is wildly underrated. It could partly be due to the storytelling and lyrical style of the author. The simple fact is if you're a word nerd and believe in the power of words this is the series for you. It works as a YA series but has a lot of court intrigue that might turn on young readers but can also turn them off.

For this book, I think I love Teala. She's my favorite character in the series besides B. Something about the interactions between her and B tickle me. The more layers that get added to this series doesn't make the series worse. It seems like everything gets put together thoughtfully. A lot of artistry is in this series and I am just enjoying the hell out of it.

I am currently rereading the whole thing for the 4th time this month.

This addition does have a kinda cliff hanger ending but she does these 2 or 3 book arc thing. Which isn't bad at this point because there are so many books in the series.