A review by danisbooksmut
Legacy by Sheridan Anne


Twists and Turns

Firstly the opening paragraph had me cackle out loud and I knew I was in for a good time straight away.

Book 2 was an exciting, gripping read with lots of twists and turns throughout as we were dripfed information that showed the Empire wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. As each bit of information leaves us with a glimmer of hope for Oakleys future but frustration that Zade isn’t acting on them to get his own answers knowing it could give him the chance to change everything. He says he doesn’t want to but we’ve seen his mask slipping with Oakley and his feelings coming through.

Oakley is an amazing character and I love the boys. I just wish they could step up and protect Oakley. We saw glimmers of it in Legacy but I want more.

It ended on a serious cliffhanger and I can’t wait to see what happens in book 3.