A review by bookbae96
The Museum of Mysteries by M.J. Rose, Steve Berry


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THE MUSEUM OF MYSTERIES came up on my reading list at just the right time. Romantic suspense is one of my favorite sub-genres, and when you throw in the elements of time travel and magic, well, I am all in. Authors Steve Berry and M.J. Rose have teamed up to write a novella that blends characters from their respective book series and given readers a delicious and mysterious story.

Casseopeia Vitt is the kind of heroine that I can get behind. She's smart, savvy, and completely unafraid to take risks to find the answers that she wants. I have not read any of author M.J. Rose's books, but I can't wait to get into them, because she really knows how to write my kind of lead female character. And, although we don't get nearly enough time with Steve Berry's Cotton Malone, I'd like to see more of him, and look forward to reading more of Mr. Berry's work.

My only complaint here? THE MUSEUM OF MYSTERIES, an easy 4.5 stars for me, is too short! I could happily have read more about these characters and their experiences with the artifacts from the museum, and would love to see them all again. Lovers of all things mysterious and slightly to the left of explainable will enjoy this book very much, and I highly recommend it.