A review by branpender12
The Vanishing Spark of Dusk by Sara Baysinger


~I was provided this book in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley and Entangled: Teen Publishing.~

My Synopsis:
In a world where being human is terrifying and aliens haunt their nightmares, Lark tries to keep her head down in a safe area and etch out a meager life. That is until her world is turned upside down and she finds herself a slave on the home planet of the aliens that haunt her every waking moment- perhaps her sleeping ones too. Kalen is the son of a notorious slave trader and is compelled to the strange human who openly speaks of escape- of freedom! Together they might have a chance to change things and to end the torment of all the human race.

The Breakdown:

I enjoy reading new and exciting books that are outside of my comfort zone. I normally stray away from Alien/Human romances but this time I was pleasantly surprised! I was immediately drawn into the world and found a fondness for Lark. The fear of being enslaved to the Tavdorians is a daily occurrence and I could feel the tension in the book.

The imagery was very different than other alien books that I have read, and I did enjoy getting emerged into a beautiful new world that was Tavdora. To being exposed to realities that are not entirely different than our own here on Earth today. Everyone fears the unknown and the hate for a group of people or one individual can sway an entire populous of peoples. I like that the author touched on the taboo of different races and cultures to open the eyes of outsiders so that they might see that there can be is good and evil in every race, species, and populous in any culture.

The Characters That Make This Book Delectable:

The people of this book were well thought out and their personas were foremost in the author’s mind at all times. There is no question of where any of their loyalties lie and who is on what side of the decided demarcation of inner planetary species!

I really loved how lark came out of her shell and decided to step and be a beacon of hope where there was none. I like how she always seemed to blunder her way through the story. After all, she is not a true heroine and never has been trained to be that. No, Lark is a survivor and as long as there is hope, and determination left in her body she will do what is necessary to make it home! Falling in love was just a side note and I grew to like her budding relationship with Kalen.

I also could see where Kalon was coming from and how he also wanted to escape the world that his culture had built. With the high expectations that his father put on him and the ever-growing admiration of the slave girl lark, he was completely torn between what was expected of him and what his heart called for. He did a great job of being added to my ever-growing list of Book Boyfriends and I liked how everything with his character played out.

The rest of the cast really didn’t leave an impression on me though I did wonder what happened to the stay and was heartbroken over the loss of one so young and unworldly. It is tragic to die so young and this lingered ever in my mind as the book progressed. As I believe that the author intended it to be, so it could drive the plot forward and get Lark to reach her full potential.


I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a bit of love triumphs over evil and likes a happy ending. Though the book seems to be standalone, I believe that there is potential for the author to revisit the world she created and build upon other characters or introduce new ones. I ultimately gave the story a 4 Star because I believe that there is room to build more story and to expand the characters further as only the main characters really caught my eye.

I just reviewed The Vanishing Spark of Dusk by Sara Baysinger. #TheVanishingSparkOfDusk #NetGalley
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