A review by killianmgov
A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder by Ma-Nee Chacaby


I feel so privileged to have read Ma-Nee Chacaby’s story and that she decided to share her life and story with us. I also greatly appreciated the afterword which helped provide greater context for her story.

More to come when I have been able to process a bit more.

Until then here’s an excerpt that is still on my mind about a trip to DC in 1989 that Ma-Nee took when she saw the AIDS Memorial Quilt on display: “Looking at the quilt, I also thought about the countless Anishinaabeg [Ojibwe term Ma-Nee uses for all Indigenous peoples] who died in smallpox and measles epidemics after Europeans colonized the Americas. I wondered what a quilt for them would look like.”