A review by astrape
Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe by J.K. Rowling


okay so I'm likely gonna be a little more serious than usual, at least to address the first points of whatever this is. sorry for any possible spelling/grammar mistakes .
for the first time in six books, it's not sadness that I feel. it's rather like a void. I understand. I, Understand, how Harry feels. It's almost as if I were him. He's alone. Every possible chance of feeling safe under any circumstances is gone. I feel like some part of me was ripped off and now I don't feel safe. Not anywhere. It feels (and I dare say Harry feels this way) like you're missing something that will never come to you, because it missed the chance to happen. How hard can it get when you realize something can't change?
snape. I was rooting for him, I really was. Despite my hate since the very beginning I thought just a little bit of goodness could be pulled out of him. I wanted to believe he could change. but deep inside I knew that was not going to happen, I just kept trying to lie to myself. I am a little mad at Dumbledore. Or at least until I get an explanation on why did he even consider trusting Snape in the very first place. I'm so angry, that makes me furious. Little reminder: I have to stop puting people on pedestals.
On a not so serious note:
Ron and Lavender: not a fan. And if I here one more fight, one more silly argument between Ron and Hermione, I think I might lose it. I hated them ghosting each other.
I love this because there comes a point where there's like a hundred things going on and I don't have a clue about anything, and I vibe with that. I love the uncertainty of this books, although it kills me.
The way Voldemort's past is built. thank you. thank you so much. I've been wanting to know about every character's past individually since the first book. Everything makes even more sense now.
“The aftermath of our little
meeting proved that. You see, we have never been able to keep a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for longer than a year since I refused the post to Lord Voldemort.” Simply marvelous. Saw it coming, but still marvelous.
ahhh, this is coming to an end. I'm so excited but so sad because it's the last time I'll be able to read a book from this saga for the first time. I don't know what to say.



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- Slughorn
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- advanced potion-making
- felix felicis
- Horcruxes