A review by starryworlds
Doctor Who: Twelve Doctors of Christmas by Gary Russell, Mike Tucker, Richard Dungworth, Colin Brake, Jacqueline Rayner, Scott Handcock


4.25 stars.
This is an overall enjoyable collection of stories. I would recommend this to Doctor Who fans if they're looking for a fun read but I would recommend reading this collection at Christmas time.
All of the stories in this collection are heartwarming but some had more of a Christmas theme to them.
The one thing I would change about this collection is to have the illustrations after each story.
I've reviewed each story individually below.

All I want for Christmas
3.5 stars.
This story involves the first doctor, Barbara, Ian and Vicki. This is about Ian and Barbara's dream Christmas. This story for me is okay.

A Comedy of Terrors.
3.75 stars.
This one involves the second doctor, Jamie and Zoe. This story is about where the Doctor lands on a ship and they are mistaken for actors. The storyline for this one has more action to it and because of that I enjoyed it more. In areas, it is a little funny as well.

The Christmas Inversion.
4.5 stars.
*For those who have yet to watch the tenth doctor era, there will be spoilers in the following review*
This story involves the third Doctor, Jo Grant, Mike Yates and Jackie Tyler! This is a callback to the episode of Christmas Invasion where Rose and Mickey got teleported to the Sycorax ship leaving Jackie on Earth. Ever wondered what happened when Jackie was on Earth? This is basically what this story explores. I really enjoyed this story with the action and the plot but I felt that it was unnecessary that a character popped up.

Three Wise Men.
4.5 stars.
This story involves the fourth doctor and a group of NASA astronauts. This is a retelling of Three Wise Men Doctor Who style. This story made me smile and it made me feel festive.

Sontars Little Helpers.
4 stars.
This story involves the fifth doctor, Tegan and Turlough.

Fairytale of New New York.
4.5 stars.
This story involves the sixth doctor, Mel and the catkind make a return. The ending to this story is heartwarming and I enjoyed this story overall.

The Grotto.
4 stars.
This story involves the seventh Doctor and Ace. This story is about where an alien ship crash lands in New York at Christmas and the alien is pretty aggressive after an implant is damaged. I enjoyed this story.

Ghost of Christmas Past.
5 stars.
This story involves the eighth doctor. This story is essentially about the Doctor's loneliness at the time of the Time War and the doctor finds hope with the return of a character. While reading the end of this story, I had tears in my eyes. In this collection, this story is definitely my favourite.

The Red Bicycle.
4 stars.
This story involves the Ninth Doctor with an appearance from Rose and Jackie towards the end. Back in series 1 of the Doctor Dances, the Doctor said "red bicycle when you was twelve" and this is the story of the Doctor having a bit of trouble with the bike.

Loose Wire.
4 stars.
This story involves the tenth doctor. This has the appearance of the Wire. I enjoyed this story.

The Gift.
3 stars.
This story involves the eleventh doctor. This is my least favourite story in this collection and it just felt a bit meh. It just reminds me of Amy Pond storyline.

The Persistence of Memory.
4.5 stars.
This story involves the twelfth doctor. This story is about where a teenager who enjoys mysteries stumbles upon the TARDIS and wants to see Nessie. There is a callback to the classic era with a return of a character and there is also a callback to the beginning of series 1 which made me a bit sad.