A review by blueluz
Moonlands by Steven Savile


Ashley is just a normal girl recently moved to London. Like every almost sixteen year old, she isn’t sure where she fits in. At the reading of her aunt’s will, Ashley is left a safety deposit box key and the address of an old, decrepit bank. The safety deposit box holds an umbrella, aviator goggles, a blank book, and a locket with photos of two people Ashley has never seen.

A letter Ashley finds in the book tells her to seek out Marissa du Lac for answers. Ashley makes the connection between Marissa du Lac and her school librarian, Miss Lake. Entering Miss Lake’s office for a meeting, Ashley sees a giant wolf attacking her librarian. She runs.

Back at her house Ashley learns that things are a bit different than she always believed. The imaginative mural she had painted on her bedroom wall wasn’t just a product of her imagination. It turns out there is actually a place with no sun and seven moons. That place is called the Moonlands.

This story follows Ashley as she learns about herself. The story is face-paced and interesting. The ending is a horrible cliff hanger and really sets the book up to be the first of a series. I would love to know what happens next!

I really liked this book as Ashley’s journey is a fun adventure. Along the way she learns things aren’t always what they seem and the path isn’t always straight and family is more than just blood.

I received this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley for review consideration. This in no way affects my opinion of the title or the content of this review.

This review first appeared at Orandi et Legendi.