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A review by agsmith07
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


This book is WILD! I usually don’t read (or like) psychological thrillers, but this one made so many Best Book Lists last year, I had to read it. I am so glad I did!

The book is fascinating. The characters of Amy and Nick, although twisted - very, very twisted, are fascinating. The story is told from each of their points of view, and while reading Nick’s side, I was on his side. When I was reading Amy’s side, I was on her side – until I wasn’t! By the end of the book, I was firmly on one side, not the other, but it was a roller coaster getting there.

Amy’s meticulous attention to detail was, well –sorry to beat a dead horse – fascinating. I’ve never met anyone like that. I wish I was like that (but using that power for good, of course). She’s brilliant. And Beautiful. And Cah-ray-zee! Her treasure hunts? Good God, you’d need a PhD to figure them out!

Nick, at first, seemed a little dim-witted to me. He seemed to be a stereotypical, good-looking, New York writer who was full of self-importance. But then we discover his home town and his family and he suddenly became very interesting. Then, when the stakes were high – TOO high - he brought his A game and I started to respect him, a little.

In the end, there was only one clear winner and I really kind of felt sorry for the loser. And then the hair on the back of my neck stood up when the winner uttered the quote, “I really wish he/she wouldn’t have said that.” Uh-oh!

Cannot recommend enough!