A review by amlecher
Good Faith: Being a Christian When Society Thinks You're Irrelevant and Extreme by David Kinnaman


I chose this book as a liberal Christian for a few reasons - first because I sometimes get uncomfortable with how other liberals dismiss Christianity and second because I live in an area with more conservative Christians as neighbors and friends and I thought this book would cover some of the differences in our beliefs.
I was disappointed in much of the book. First, I found a lot of sloppy arguments that frustrated me. I’d be nodding along that helicopter parenting was too much and then a line about protecting kids from peanuts would show up and I’m thinking “what?! Peanuts can seriously injure or kill a kid! That’s NOT helicopter parenting!” There were also instance when they’d throw in a statistic and I’d wonder if they were trying to prove a causation but the data could be linked by another factor (correlation does not mean causation!)
The section on tolerance made me think, even if I didn’t end up really agreeing with them - they wrote this before Charlottesville and the recent rise of neo-Nazis, but this group of beliefs is one where I don’t see how total tolerance can work. But in thinking about it, I have come to realize that I can be intolerant of someone’s beliefs and still respect their humanity.
The part about trigger warnings and safe spaces was bad - they got much of reasoning and usage wrong and it really bugged me because it showed that they didn’t respect people who use these enough to ask questions. They talk about love, but this does not say love to me.
I appreciated their thought-out stance on homosexuality. I don’t agree, but it felt like they had thought about the topic with love.
I really wish they’d spent more time on greed and the course we seem to be on that the individual matters more than the collective. Those were good sections and I’d like to have read more.