A review by cozykrysti
The Great Shelby Holmes Meets Her Match by Elizabeth Eulberg


THE GREAT SHELBY HOLMES MEETS HER MATCH is absolutely adorable, so much fun, and full of fantastic Sherlockian references.

The story itself was fast paced and highly entertaining. I loved reading through Watson's perspective and watching Shelby put her deductive reasoning skills to work.

The characters are charming. Both are such a great take on the classic Holmes and Watson characters. They have a lot of the same characteristics and quirks, but Eulberg has definitely put her own spin on them to make them relatable and enjoyable for a modern audience.

The dialogue throughout the story is cute and witty and everything I'd hope for from a middle grade novel.

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was through the language Eulberg used, she really turns the idea of white as the default on its head. Every white character is described with their skin color like we see in most other books when characters of color are described, and I thought that was fantastic. This is definitely something we need to be more aware of as readers and writers.

I'm also a huge Sherlock fan, and I really loved all the witty Sherlockian references sprinkled throughout the book. They were fun little Easter Eggs for readers to uncover.

I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it both to MG readers as well as Sherlock Holmes fans of all ages.