A review by morganv10
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch


Lies of Locke Lamora is a triumph.

Scott Lynch pays attention to little details that make Camorr spring to life from the page. Whether it's customs (Camorri nobles traditionally have two sitting rooms, a sparse one for business meetings and a luxurious one for entertaining friends), dogmas (the goddess of death does not aid, she merely allows), or ambience (the Falselight that glows from the city's Elderglass structures after nightfall), the city feels real and lived in. The plot delights at every turn, with plots and counterplots and counter-counterplots executed by our roguish and lovable protagonists.

I'm almost disappointed in how much I loved this book, since I didn't want to get invested in another series that may never be completed. Alas, this book was far too good not to love, and I can't wait to pick up Red Skies Over Red Seas when I get the chance.