A review by marleywrites
The Fealty of Monsters by Ladz



​I personally ordered the signed paperback and I cannot wait to have it on my shelf. Today I read the prologue that is available now, and I'm so glad I did.

I was instantly drawn to the characters in the prologue, two autocar mechanics in Daszek's outskirts. Jan and his father, whom he calls Tata, are finishing up a typical day at work and everything is seemingly normal... or is it?

I loved the way Ladz described these two men, their physical descriptions were enjoyable to read and I felt like I could see the scene playing before my eyes due to the detailed descriptions. The description of the city and its history regarding the universities was intriguing and I found myself eagerly turning the pages of this prologue.

The conclusion of the prologue is jaw-dropping, which is exactly how I like the books I read! It left me thrilled for more and I cannot wait to read the rest of this book when it releases in March.

Full review to come upon release.