A review by meggie82461
Look the Part by Jewel E. Ann


4.5 stars ✨

This book has been around for a couple years so I’m not going to spend much time reviewing it. I will say that I really liked it, which says a lot because I don’t always love the tropes involved. The stars of this book were Ellen, the heroine (who any man would be beyond lucky to have) and Harrison, Flint’s 12 year old son with mild autism. I know we’re not using the term Asperger’s anymore, but it is used in the book because it was published a few years ago. Harrison often stole the show with his straightforward declarations, and I loved it.

Truthfully, what made this great was in the details. The dialogue and the personalities, mostly. The overall plot was standard, but the rest was above average. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I will definitely pick up another book by this author, since this was my first of hers.