A review by saracat
The Heiress: The Revelations of Anne de Bourgh by Molly Greeley


I want to first thank NetGalley and William Morrow and Custom House for giving me early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have been in a reading slump for a bit now, but this book felt like it has pulled me out of it. I really enjoyed reading this. It's been years since I read [b:Pride and Prejudice|84979|Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1487841905l/84979._SY75_.jpg|3060926], but Lady Catherine de Bourgh felt like how I remember her being in Austen's book. It was very interesting to follow Anne from her childhood onward. While I don't know much about medicine from this time period nor do I have a lot of knowledge about life and expectations on upperclass women in this period in England, it all felt accurate, or at least likely, to me.

Greeley takes a lot of time to let Anne explore and experience things and spends time in her thoughts, which is something I enjoyed about the book. There is nothing fast paced about the book, but I did have a hard time putting the book down because I felt quite invested in how Anne's life would evolve and change as different characters and circumstances came before her.

There were several plot twists that I greatly enjoyed and I loved the subtle hints and foreshadowing that Greeley also implemented throughout the novel. I will definitely want to read more from this author. With the way the book is written, a person does not need to have read "Pride and Prejudice" to be able to enjoy this novel.

Content Warnings: drug addiction, controlling parent, a few mild descriptions of sex