A review by rodhilton
It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson


You need to read this book. Actually, scratch that, your manager needs to read this book, and his or her manager as well. All the way up the ladder. This is more than just a book, it's a manifesto for sanity and calmness at the office.

Nearly every (two-page) section is gold. It reads quick, it's well-written, there's no extra fluff or padding. Just straightforward advice for how to run your company and culture to maximize happiness at the office, written by people who have been successful. This book puts into succinct words exactly what I've been saying to various people for years, it's so validating to see the co-founders of a successful business reiterate what I keep telling people, as well as giving me new annoying things to tell people who won't listen.

This book is a must-read, I recommend it to absolutely everyone. Even if you don't think it's "crazy" where you work, it's probably crazier than it needs to be. It's going to be a sad day 15 years down the road or whenever that Basecamp goes out of business and this book will just seem like a graveyard of great ideas. Please read it now while it still seems like good advice so that your organization can add to the voice it represents.