A review by caseroo7
Only You by Melanie Harlow


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I absolutely love Melanie Harlow! Her books never disappoint and that was so true here with Only You. This book is a standalone story full of heat and emotion and it had me swooning the whole way through. I couldn't put it down and I honestly think Melanie Harlow could write anything and I would read it.

Emme and Nate are neighbors and friends. They are opposite in almost everything, including their love lives. So while Nate has rescued her on more than one occasion, she is a relationship type of girl while he prefers to keep things casual. But when one of his hookups surprises him with a baby, he knows that he needs Emme's help this time. Can Emme show him that she is the one for him and that they could have a real future together?

I loved these two and the dynamic between them. The banter was amazing and I just couldn't get enough. Nate showed a lot of growth here and I loved seeing the depth to him as his entire life changed. Emme was fantastic and I thought that she was perfect for him. These two were sexy and sweet, and their story is one I think a lot of readers will be able to relate to and feel invested in.

Overall, this was another winner from Melanie Harlow. Only You was heartfelt and captivating and I can't say enough good things about it. Melanie Harlow is a talented writer and her contemporaries are some of my all time favorites. If you are looking for a solid story that you can lose yourself in, I highly recommend Only You as well as anything else by Melanie. I also have to say that it was great to see some familiar faces here from Melanie's past stories, but if you are new to her you do not need to have read them to enjoy Only You.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**