A review by kerasalwaysreading
Ashton Scott by Nina Levine


Oh my word! That book took a long freaking time to get through. I was maybe 35% in and I was ready to mark this as DNF! But I had a feeling that there were certain elements of the plot that were going to develop that I really wanted, so I stuck it out. It wasn’t really even worth it, even when the things I was hoping would happen actually happened.

Okay PLEASE, for the love of everything holy, how many times can you use the term “snaked a hand around her waist”/“snaked his hand around my waist”????? I think she actually put that in there like 10 times and it drive me insane!

Ashton spent the first half of the book being an absolute douche! He was borderline predatory and it was creepy. She would tell him no and he wouldn’t listen and it creeped me out so bad. Then, he is always wanting to have these lengthy talks with people. He wants them to talk out their problems and I’m here like... who the f does this? Really?!? Then he has like a complete personality change in the second half of the book.

Lorelai was annoying. She was all about self empowerment, yet half the time, she is letting this guy boss her around. Internally she doesn’t want to, but she still lets him and it’s stupid to me.

Finally, the stuff that I wanted to happen: the crazy ex coming in and stirring shit up, was not even that great...
All in all I was thoroughly disappointed in this book. While it wasn’t completely awful, I cannot freaking fathom how it has such a high star rating! It’s baffling to me, really.