A review by greggmpls
The Book of Spies by Gayle Lynds


I won this book in a goodreads give away. This was the first book I have read by Gayle Lynds, so I do not know if it is typical of her writing or not.

The book is very action oriented, almost hyperactive at times. I had difficulty getting comfortable with the rhythm and pace of the story for the first third of the book. One action sequence after another would occur literally every other page. "The Book of Spies" does stretch credibility, especially how quickly the "bad guys" are able to get people and vehicles in place to intercept the "good guys" on several occasions. I did detect a very slight hint of Three Days of the Condor early.

I found the last two thirds of the book a better read, and felt more engaged with the characters and the plot. Some of the minor characters were also appealing and added balance. I also enjoyed the choice of locations and settings. The author's notes were quite interesting and I would almost recommend reading them prior to beginning the story.