A review by kelleemoye
Going Nowhere Faster by Sean Beaudoin


3.5 probably.

Stan is a genius. He can list all of Sylvester Stallone's movies in backwards alphabetical order, he can do any math problem in his head and he can tell you where any movie is in the video store he works in. Yes. He is a genius and he works at a video store. And Stan is more than aware that this makes him quite far from being cool. However, his dreams do not include college and brilliance which is what everyone else wants him to do; his dream includes screen writing.

Going Nowhere Faster was quite funny at times and Stan's rough draft screen plays throughout are hilarious. Stan narrates and I did have a hard time getting used to his voice and him in general; however, once I got into it, it no longer bothered me.

I received a signed copy of this book from Misty after winning a contest on her blog- THANKS MISTY!!