A review by drsldn
Tarnished and Torn by Juliet Blackwell


This is the first book from my TBR Challenge pile, and because it is light reading I can add it on the first day of 2014!
Picked in the bookstore for a couple of reasons: the protoganist is a witch who run a vintage clothing store and there were pink glittery swirls on the cover. Also, some of the plot was set in Oakland, CA and while I think San Francisco is an Okay Place, I have a real soft spot for the city over the bay.
Its an enjoyable mystery romp, coherently plotted and well-written, incorporating interesting and convincing (within the parameters of the SoD required for tales about modern day magical goings-on!) references beyond the usual Grimm-based Western European eg Aztec mythology, Rom practices, Mexican coming of age celebrations and fire-dancing (which I always - possibly erroneously - associate with Maori culture). There is a strong sense of place, and the characters, whilst no deeper than necessary in a plot-driven novel, are not simply characteristics, but rounded and engaging.
It was a great way to spend a couple of rainy hours, and a fun way to start the new year!