A review by libdebbie
Don't Die, Dragonfly by Linda Joy Singleton


I got books number 1, 2, and 4 in this series at a conference at some point. I was getting ready to give them to the library without reading them, thinking they didn't sound that interesting. For some reason, I decided to page through the beginning and end of them all. Except that somewhere in book 4, I got totally hooked and ended up reading the whole thing that night. So I went back to the beginning and read them all in order, getting the ones I didn't have from the library. Almost literally, I read one a night, and couldn't wait for the next one! Then I went back and reread my favorite parts from each book.

There is plenty of teen angst and lots more typos than I'd expect in non-ARC books, but they also has an interesting story and a likeable, strong protagonist and great secondary characters. Plus action, both short and long-term mysteries, and romance.

In this book, Sabine Rose, after being driven out of her last school because of her psychic abilities, has been sent to live with her grandmother, Nona, also a psychic, and attend a new school. Determined to fit in and be "normal", she doesn't tell anyone about her abilities. She makes friends with the popular crowd, works for the school newspaper, and begins dating Josh, one of the cutest, nicest, and most popular guys at school. But she has a vision about the death of a classmate and can't ignore it but still tries to help her classmate without revealing her special abilities. Along the way, she learns to trust some of her friends, gains an enemy, and struggles with issues of identity, family, responsibility, and of course, tries to avoid a murderer.