A review by robinlovesreading
Knit of the Living Dead by Peggy Ehrhart


The town of Arborville is setting things up for a Halloween parade. As per normal for Pamela Britton and her trusty team of amateur detectives, another mystery has fallen into their lap, and they will not rest without solving the crime.

They are all wearing costumes, but one is more deadly than any of the others. Because the woman in a Little Bo Peep costume is found murdered. Pamela and best friend Bettina do whatever they can to find the person responsible for the murder, and at the same time, remaining safe from harm.

I have loved this series from the very first book. Pamela and the group that make up the Knit & Nibble team are quite endearing. Cozy mysteries are always quite enjoyable, as there is always a murder to two to solve, all while things are kept rather sweet, making for easy reads. That is exactly how I felt about this book and the rest of the series.

Many thanks to Kensington and to NetGalley for this ARC to review in exchange for my honest opinion.