A review by plattcraig
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers


Having lived in New Orleans from 1996 - 2000 I have a very strong affection for the city. I have not been back since Katrina, but I do know that the people of New Orleans are kind, resilient and extremely quick to help a neighbor (except for the the neighbors I had while living at 2426 Calhoun St., those ladies should burn in hell.) Eggers does a wonderful job of reporting here. He rarely gives the reader his opinion, instead allowing for the story of the Zeitoun family to unfold. As the Zeitoun's saw the storm, the city and it's recovery. That's all we get as a reader and because the Zeitoun's are such an ordinary and hard working American family, we get a truly honest rendering of life before, during and after the storm.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to see into the city of New Orleans during the storm. And to anyone who wants a glimpse of the American dream.