A review by see_sadie_read
The Last Sacrifice by Joe Hart, Stuart Moore

No rating because I think I was doomed not to like this. This is a common plot, women being reduced to their reproductive capabilities and it is one I simply detest. Doesn't matter how well done it might be, it's not far enough from so many women's realities that I can't stand having to face it in fiction. I basically always spend the whole time waiting for the rape scene(s), which makes me tense, tetchy and unhappy. (I didn't realize this was the storyline when I entered the Goodreads Giveaway.) On the upside, there isn't a rape in this comic.

Further, I've read several of these comics based on existing book series and in my experience they might work as supporting pieces for people who've read the series, but as stand-alones they tend to feel lacking in substance. Such is the case here.

I say all that in order to then say, I read it and I didn't like it. But I don't think there was much chance that I would. So, it shouldn't necessarily be taken as a condemnation of the comic itself. Maybe other people will enjoy it where I didn't.