A review by blodeuedd
Marked by Sue Tingey


I liked this, the underworld, well it's just fun. And it was light and it left me wanting more.

Lucky can see dead people, and her best friend since childhood is one. Kayla, the friendly neighborhood ghost. Lucky also wrote this book telling the world how fake mediums are and they all hate her now. So now all she has is Kayla. She was a bit of a hermit, poor girl. I guess it's like that with all ghosts running around.

Then someone comes for her help and the adventure begins. Adventure and adventure, more the danger, the secrets and the demons. Lots of demons.

And the secrets were juicy. I also liked the world she created and the dramas unfolding. The end was something too. All is nice, but all is not nice. So sort of a cliffie and not a cliffie. I mean stuff is going down, but for now it's nice. Until something happens. I am very glad I have book 2 nearby.

I liked the start to this series and stay tuned as there will be more. Fingers crossed for some budding romance too ;)